Monday, 16 December 2013

Santa Sleigh Test (STRATODEAN Three)

Here is our slightly silly video for Santa's Sleigh Test (STRATODEAN Three), launched on the 1st December 2013.

Merry Christmas!

The payload was recovered on the outskirts of Yeovil, thanks to all who helped track. 
Full write-up and launch video to follow. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Thanks to all who helped with today's flight. Santa and Rudolph have been recovered and we've got a lot of footage of their voyage to go through!

We're taking a bit of time to try and put it together into a video, something a bit special ready for Christmas - so please check back soon or follow us on Twitter for more frequent updates.

Ho Ho Go

We're off, for those wishing to follow the journey, track here:;STRATODEANQ_chase

Also we'll be updating Twitter here: